I just added some code to get a working screen saver project with Visual Studio Code debugging support (remotely!) that can talk to a REST api to Github. Check it out: https://github.com/bitobrian/Roku-Screen-Saver-RESTful-VSCode-Debug-Template I’ll post a follow-up some time on the caveats of Roku app development. It has a difficult learning curve but is relatively straight forward once you get into it. Now someone just needs to write an abstraction over it in a decent framework....
My Situation I constantly find myself provisioning new projects of all types (I’m probably not alone in this). I love that part - it’s like being a kid opening presents. The part that isn’t fun is getting tooling functioning so you can jump into your domain. I will admit, I do the same thing over and over which is literal insanity.
In this case, here is what I was using:...
My $0.02 Heroku is great. You can deploy a concept for free and the next highest tier is a few bucks away. When you’re ready to go to scale, it’s ready and prorated to the second. Neat.
Docker is great. You can build, test, and deploy in any configuration on a local stack. Everything is ephemeral awesome.
.NET Core is great. I can write great apps with the framework I prefer and not be stuck on Windows....